Surveying and Mapping
Land Surveying and Boundary
Land is a finite and therefore valuable resource. While often overlooked, the importance of accuracy and reliability in property boundaries can be found in nearly every facet of daily life. From home ownership to farming, property lines are the foundation of our investments and livelihood. Our staff routinely works in Pickaway County, Fairfield County, Hocking County, Ross County, Madison County and Fayette County. Our knowledge of the local customs and conveyance standards unique to each County allows us to offer competitive and timely service.
The task of the land surveyor is often described as 'walking in the footsteps' of those who came before. A professional surveyor must be equal parts historian, geographer and mathematician. Our staff is devoted to continually honing these skills and techniques to become one the most respected firms in the region. The process of dividing lands has become increasingly complex due to the evolving landscape of planning, zoning and other regulatory authorities. Our firm is committed to staying current with the latest rules and practices covering a wide territory.
The task of the land surveyor is often described as 'walking in the footsteps' of those who came before. A professional surveyor must be equal parts historian, geographer and mathematician. Our staff is devoted to continually honing these skills and techniques to become one the most respected firms in the region. The process of dividing lands has become increasingly complex due to the evolving landscape of planning, zoning and other regulatory authorities. Our firm is committed to staying current with the latest rules and practices covering a wide territory.